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Production of stainless steel piping, precision piping, full piping specifications
Production of stainless steel piping, precision piping, full piping specifications
Production of stainless steel piping, precision piping, full piping specifications
Production of stainless steel piping, precision piping, full piping specifications

Production of stainless steel piping, precision piping, full piping specifications

ManufacturerMink Metals, East Chang City Ltd.
CategoryThe stainless steel pipe.
Imported or notYes
Mode of productionWeld pipe.
Goods304 316 304 L 316 L
Welding typeHelix.
Production processesHot roller.
Fragment shapePipes
Pipeside ShapeOptical tube
Origin / PlantIt's stainless.
Scope of useStructured tubes, edible machinery, domestic appliances, nuclear power, daily appliances, solar energy, metal products, sanitary and cleaning equipment, precision electronics, catering and cooking equipment, mechanical manufacturing
Can it be processed?Yes.
ProcessesSurface treatment, drilling, laser cutting, welding.
The city where the warehouse is locatedDong-jun.
Warehouse AddressDong-jun.
Warehouse phone.13377773087
Quality LevelQuality objections received
Processing servicesDeep processing (stamping, bending, etc.), customized samples
Distribution servicesIt's ready for delivery.
Product surface descriptionLight
Type of sale of goodsCash
BrandTreasure Steel

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