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Wholesale customized silica neon light belt cutting tool with a straight-deep blade sharpened and sharp.
Wholesale customized silica neon light belt cutting tool with a straight-deep blade sharpened and sharp.
Wholesale customized silica neon light belt cutting tool with a straight-deep blade sharpened and sharp.
Wholesale customized silica neon light belt cutting tool with a straight-deep blade sharpened and sharp.

Wholesale customized silica neon light belt cutting tool with a straight-deep blade sharpened and sharp.

ManufacturerTweedled wood sculptor factory, West Creek, Yongkang
OriginYongkang, Zhejiang Province
Imported or notYes
BrandIt's very sharp.
Model18 mm straight angle, 16 mm deep circle, 10 mm straight angle, 10 mm deep circle
Knife.65 manganese steel.
Specifications (")Arcade Deep Circle
Length (mm)10
Blade width (mm)160
Change the blade.Pusher
SeriesNeon Light Cuter

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