Manufacturer | Hensong Rubber Plant, Tsang Creek |
Category | Homemade |
Price | ¥ |
Materials | Polyurethane hair bubble |
Brand | Hen-soon. |
Product category | Seat mat. |
Goods | HS-18-19 |
Style | Modern Concise |
Do you support a surrogate? | Not supported |
Pattern | Other |
Colour Classification | Red, blue. |
Colour | Blue, pink. |
Dimensions | 60*60cm, 90*150cm |
Space | The balcony. |
Sub-component content of fabric | 45 |
Source category | Order. |
Origin | Ningbo Tsai Creek |
Main ingredient of fabric | Polyurethane elastic fibres (ammonium) |
Subcomponent of fabric | Polyurethane hair bubble |
Imported or not | Yes |
The main ingredient content of the fabric | 45 |