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Quantum steel.
Quantum steel.

Quantum steel.

ManufacturerSuzhou Zhengxiang Industries Trading Co. Ltd.
Categorystainless steel plate (roll)
OriginSuzhou, Quinshan.
Imported or notYes
Origin / PlantIt's stainless.
GoodsModel steel
Materialsstainless steel.
Scope of useAutomobiles, metal products, household appliances, sanitary appliances
Can it be processed?Yes.
ProcessesCasting, flattening, stretching, welding, drilling, pressing, laser cutting, exercise pressure, surface treatment, stripping.
The city where the warehouse is locatedSuzhou
Warehouse Address456 Qinfung South Road, Kushan City, Jiangsu Province
Warehouse phone.18912697881
Quality LevelContract items (non-admissibility of quality objections)
Processing servicesCustomized samples, deep processing (stamping, bending, etc.), coarse processing (pacing, stripping, etc.)
Distribution servicesNo distribution
Product surface descriptionI've been consulting.
Type of sale of goodsCash
SpecificationsI've been consulting.
BrandOh, my God.

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