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Chuyển sang trang tiếng Việt
Tiếng Việt
Plastic steel PVC buttons with long plastic ceilings and stone-walled simple engineering room integrated ceilings.
Zhongshan Zhuong Plastic Plant
The light spreads to the PC light shield, three shields, and plastic squeezes out the PC sandlight mask, white and half-turned.
Zhongshan Zhuong Plastic Plant
The PC light shield is a translucent sander.
Zhongshan Zhuong Plastic Plant
Plant supply of PVC plastic buttons.
Zhongshan Zhuong Plastic Plant
Plant direct pvc plastic squeezes out the vertical vertical pvc suture of an alien PVC ladder
Zhongshan Zhuong Plastic Plant
Directly selling PC energy-efficient, non-coated, double-coloured LED lamps.
Zhongshan Zhuong Plastic Plant
PVC card slots of plastics of the same type.
Zhongshan Zhuong Plastic Plant
The factory squeezed out the high-light double-coloured PC hard-light lamp shield, the high-light spreading PC large T5 package.
Zhongshan Zhuong Plastic Plant
It's custom-made, high-light double-coloured triple-protected PC lamps, double-squeezed co-crowding process light spreads over the PC large light shield.
Zhongshan Zhuong Plastic Plant
Squeeze the beautiful diamond stripes and make it transparent.
Zhongshan Zhuong Plastic Plant