Factory introduction
In order to meet the growing domestic demand for flexible cable, SPC invested in the formation of Sea Power Special Cable Ltd. in 2010.
Corporate main product: flexible cable, soft control cable, soft control signal cable, soft signal cable, soft signal transmission cable, soft shield signal cable, towed chain cable, medium towed chain cable, high-traw chain cable, towed chain shield cable, towed chain transmission cable, towed cable, toserv cable, server coder cable, decodator cable, toner cable, toner cable, flat cable, tortilla cable, tort-resistant cable, tort-resistant cable, tortoise flat cable, tortoise cable, computer cable, torque cable, torque computer cable, torque computer cable, high-temperature computer cable, signal cable cable, tort-resistant signal cable, tort-free cable, toft cable, tort-free cable, toft cable, toft-free high-to-to-to-cry cable