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Chuyển sang trang tiếng Việt
Tiếng Việt
PCM-E Oil Pump Test Table, Fuel Pump Validator, School Pump Equipment, Fuel Pump Testing Desk, School Pump Platform
Tan City Xin Cai Test Equipment Ltd.
CRI-XZ200 high-pressure co-orbit oil dispenser Test table, O3O Test table, verify EPS200
Tan City Xin Cai Test Equipment Ltd.
12 PSB-C Jet Pump Test Station School Pump Station School Pump Machine Equipment Fuel Pump Test Station Verifying Station
Tan City Xin Cai Test Equipment Ltd.
Directly supplied to CR1800 for the CRI1000 tester S60H oil mouth checker CRS
Tan City Xin Cai Test Equipment Ltd.
CRI 700 on-orbit oil dispenser tester.
Tan City Xin Cai Test Equipment Ltd.
Carter 320D oil-jet-dismantling tool, measuring tool, disassembly measurement, suite.
Tan City Xin Cai Test Equipment Ltd.
Directly supplied to CR1800 on-orbit oil dispenser detector (CRI 600) for voltage control.
Tan City Xin Cai Test Equipment Ltd.
CRC high-pressure co-orbit oil dispenser tester + S60H oil mouth checker set
Tan City Xin Cai Test Equipment Ltd.
TL-200 co-orbit oil dispenser Electromagnetic Valve Measurement Unit (EMP) wire-resistance voltage tester LC
Tan City Xin Cai Test Equipment Ltd.
PJ-40 Oil dispenser calibration, oil mouth test table, oil mouth tester, oil mouth checker, detector.
Tan City Xin Cai Test Equipment Ltd.