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Tiếng Việt
Wall projector equipment for children ' s recreational kindergartens in the AR interactive projector game room
Guangzhou Star Player Interactive Technology Ltd.
Projector equipment for the 3D Naked-Eye Technology Experiment holographic projector, 3xD interior wall bar exhibition hall
Guangzhou Star Player Interactive Technology Ltd.
An outdoor interactive projection projector to brighten ground holographic night project park park park area.
Guangzhou Star Player Interactive Technology Ltd.
hologram corridor interactive projection and entertainment device AR deep-saturated mall hall experience gallery projector
Guangzhou Star Player Interactive Technology Ltd.
3D ground-based interactive projection of sand beach indoor children ' s recreation facilities sand pool integration playground projector equipment
Guangzhou Star Player Interactive Technology Ltd.
Projection of a 3D sand table projection facility for interactive sand table equipment in children ' s parks
Guangzhou Star Player Interactive Technology Ltd.
In-house interactive projector AR-Imaging All-interest projector
Guangzhou Star Player Interactive Technology Ltd.
Mountain wall holographic projector 3D projector to channel naked-eyed interactive projector
Guangzhou Star Player Interactive Technology Ltd.
3D interactive projection projection on the surface of the field for children ' s corruption bunker interactive sand beach painting slide projector
Guangzhou Star Player Interactive Technology Ltd.
The wall projector of the classroom in the immersion of the 3xD Story Book of the Interactive Projector
Guangzhou Star Player Interactive Technology Ltd.