Factory introduction
TOHUA-PA is a public broadcasting series originating from mainland China, a sharp new smart broadcasting system that has been crafted and equipped with advanced digital technology, using pure European-American sound technology.
Guangzhou City Sound Technology is a private enterprise established on 18 November 2015. Today, it has evolved into a diversified and specialized firm that is intelligent in design, product production, wholesale marketing and integration. Sound recordings originate from local Chinese public broadcasting technology and have long been dedicated to the development of intelligent broadcasting systems. They are active advocates of the move from tradition to intellectualization. The main thrust product at present is the series of digitally controlled smart radio equipment for the Tohua-PA brand, specialized sound, including point-to-point network-based smart network broadcasting systems, radio frequency location systems, conference systems, radio specializations, various indoor and outdoor sound columns, smallpox horns, meadows, etc. Products are widely used in stadiums, cinemas, schools, hotels, stations, docks, airports, squares, malls, theme parks, etc. We are committed to providing customers with up-to-date and better cutting-edge product and engineering solutions and strong technical support.
Research and development capacity:
Sound recordings are targeted at future life needs, based on modern and state-of-the-art technologies at home and abroad, based on electric sound, I.