Business scope
General projects: development and sale of water coatings; manufacture of coatings (excluding hazardous chemicals, restricted branches), manufacture of construction materials (excluding hazardous chemicals), manufacture of construction materials (excluding hazardous chemicals), manufacture of construction materials (without hazardous chemicals, restricted branches only), construction and decoration materials, metal materials, stainless steel products, timber, auto parts, mechanical equipment, hardware products, construction materials, daily department stores, sanitary cleaning, stone materials, cooking materials, furnishings, doors and windows, lamps, steel, plastics, electrical cables, electrical tools, chemical raw materials and products (except for hazardous chemicals and perishable chemicals), valves, axis, electronic products, communications equipment, mechanical and electrical equipment, plumbing fittings, cable bridges, glass and steel products, general labour security supplies, medical devices, office supplies, computer consumables, water pumps, transport facilities, iron fences, distribution of water-proofing materials, electrical cables, electrical cables, electrical and electrical equipment; design and construction of a national water-scraping complex, a variety of materials for the sale and import of C-caveding equipment; (In addition to projects subject to legal authorization, operations are carried out on an autonomous basis under a licence)