Factory introduction
The Shan City Xerxer Lights Company uses a production sales company based on wholesale + retail sales. The plant is located in the town of Nakayama, with 1,000 square metres of plant space. There are distributors for the design, development, manufacture of integrated lighting control of LEDs, interior and outdoor lighting and specialized technical services. There are currently more than 70 employees in specialized companies with integrated services, 10 in the light design group, 18 in the lightware paint team, 35 in the lightware inspection team and 24-hour monitoring systems in the industrial area. We have some wholesalers in the wholesale market for construction materials in various major cities. In the central and southern areas of China (Anhui province, Shandong province, Jiangsu province) there are distributors for the design, development, manufacture of integrated lighting control of lamps products, interior and outdoor lighting meters.